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KUAS-Dept of Finance and Ins. NCTU-Lab of Microwave and Ph. Department of Physics, NTNU. Department of Visual Arts,Taipei Municipal University of Education. Institute of Education, NCTU. Department of Applied Economics, NIU. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, NUK. Dept of Philosophy, Huafan University.
Sunteți gata să ajungem împreună în vârf? Vă ghidăm pas cu pas transformarea companiei în era digitalizării. Analizăm în detaliu nevoile companiei și elaborăm o strategie IT potrivită pentru dumneavoastră. Externalizați toate responsabilitățile legate de infrastructura IT a companiei dumneavoastră. Specialiștii noștri pun accent pe dezvoltarea soluţi.
Econômico, Ciência e Tecnologia. Inclusão, Assistência e Desenv. Justiça e de Defesa ao Consumidor. Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão. Sergipe sediará o 2º Congresso Gestão da Água e Monitoramento Ambiental. SEDETEC e ITPS Visitam Instituto de Tecnologia e Pesquisa. Empossado novo presidente do ITPS. Empossado novo presidente do ITPS.
Is a unit within IET. Computer and network consulting services. ITPS is the central IT support service provider for IET units. Computer System Administration and Consulting Services for Departments. Analyze, plan and migrate departments to the campus Active Directory.
Industrial Técnica Pecuaria, S. Since then, modernity and commitment are our hallmarks. The continuous growth of ITPSA has led us to expand our activities into the field of human nutrition while maintaining the standards of quality, safety and reliability of our products. Nutrition is a fascinating journey. INDUSTRIAL TECNICA PECUARIA, S.
Dostarczamy innowacyjne technologie spełniające najwyższe normy jakości i bezpieczeństwa do medycyny estetycznej i kosmetologii. Zapewniamy technologie dla wielu specjalizacji z zakresu medycyny, m. chirurgii plastycznej, chirurgii naczyniowej, ginekologii, dermatologii. Jesteśmy oficjalnym przedstawicielem firmy Technogym w Polsce. Zapewniamy najwyższej klasy wyposażenie oraz sprzęt dla branży wellness i fitness. CYNOSURE - NAJLEPSZY DYSTRYBUTOR NA ŚWIECIE.